4-10 lb tubs. Boric Acid based paste that attracts and kills cockroaches, ants and silverfish. Extremely effective. Recommended for housing authorities, commercial, apartment buildings, or 20,000sq ft.
View Article10 LB TUB ADVANTAGE 1000
10 lb tub. Boric Acid based paste that attracts and kills cockroaches, ants and silverfish. Extremely effective. Recommended for commercial, apartment buildings, or 5000sq ft.
View Article5 LB TUB ADVANTAGE 1000
5 lb tub. Boric Acid based paste that attracts and kills cockroaches, ants and silverfish. Extremely effective. Recommended for multifamily house, 5 small apartments or 2500 sq ft.
View Article2 LB TUB ADVANTAGE 1000
2 lb tub. Boric Acid based paste that attracts and kills cockroaches, ants and silverfish. Extremely effective. Recommended for 3-4 bedroom apartment, small house or 1000 sq ft.
View Article1 LB TUB ADVANTAGE 1000
1 lb tub. Boric Acid based paste that attracts and kills cockroaches, ants and silverfish. Extremely effective. Recommended for Efficiency and 1 bedroom apartment or 500 sq ft.
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